Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm back.

There is really a lot that goes on in our house, so I'm going to start fresh from today. I will however do a quick update...
Here it goes..

*Daniel had a great school year. He has really opened up and has come out of his shell. He is more aggressive, has learned how to handle issues that come his way and loves to learn. He joined the YMCA swim class this year to get a little more comfortable with the water and it WORKED! By the end of the class he was swimming under-water(a HUGE HUGE improvement from a kid who wanted water NO WHERE near his face!) on his back and out swimming most of the kids in his class. He also played inside soccer this winter and outside soccer this spring. Now, school is out he has a busy summer in store for him. This week he is spending time with Gma and Gpa Watkins for VBS, a couple summer camps coming up with his friends and cousin, a big family trip up north for camping and then ending the summer with a long weekend in Chicago visiting more family. Along with a summer reading program, working on the next level of sight words and a nice big math workbook- we are sure to be VERY busy!!

*Steve is done teaching for the summer. He is still working on his masters degree and plans to do a lot of reading and working in the yard this summer. I'm sure we'll blink and football will start, so he's hoping to enjoy the few weeks he does have off!

as for me? Well, school keeps me extremely busy as do my boys. Looking forward to some time at Lake Michigan enjoying the sunshine and the water and also working in my yard. Hopefully I'll get a few scrapbook days sprinkled in throughout the summer months and then a few familly vacations. After the year we have had, we're ready to be settled in for a nice relaxing couple of months!

I promise to start updating weekly(daily is to big of a commitment), and post a few pictures now and then!

Be blessed!

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