Monday, January 19, 2009


*I am home with 5 crazy kiddo's.
*I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast and didn't get to eat one bite of it....
*I have two of the five kids in the bathtub and the other 3 outside getting the stink blown off of them.
*I am thinking of things all 6 of us can do inside that won't make us crazy, I see clay in our future.
*My husband is at school for an in service and I am actually jealous of him(for being able to leave the house! ALONE!)
*I am going to do my Wii-Fit routine once nap time rolls around. It's kicking my butt!!!
*I HAVE to start up my daily devotional. HAVE TO HAVE TO. It's something I have let slide, but I plan to get it back in my daily routine-even if that means getting up at 5:30 instead of 6am.
*I plan to make Chicken Tetrazinii for dinner, because it's Steve's favorite. I better start now at 10:30am in order to actually complete that task...
*I need to take care of all the clothes I washed at the Laundromat on Saturday that continue to sit in baskets all over my house..Evidently they won't take care of themselves.....ugh
*I hope I can take a hot shower...maybe one that will last longer than 3 minutes.
*I have no homework! YIPPEEEEE!
*I am thankful for such great friends and an amazing supportive family. I'm so blessed.

That's my day.
What's going on in your world??
Be blessed!!!

1 comment:

Carin said...

I cleaned at the church... helped set up for NASCAR... now I am home with some Christmas decorations to put away, laundry to do, vacuuming & getting our guest room ready for guests (well, not actually guests, but my parents)... your blog exhausts me... maybe it is nap time for me too!
HANG IN THERE! love ya