Saturday, November 29, 2008

And then...I breathe

I'm still alive. Really. Just crazy-as you can probably imagine. After 12 weeks at this, I think I am finally adjusting to 5 kids in this TINY house. Storage continues to be an issue, but sleeping arrangements are working out just fine. We are going to be in desperate need of a bigger house this spring, but until then- we will make it happen. We are still unsure of how long we will be in need of a bigger house. In these situations, there are no answers for a LONG time. We are about 3 weeks away from being licensed, but they have told us that for the past 12 weeks, so my hopes are not at all raised. I've become quite irritated by the State of Michigan and some of the policies are of course to protect the children, but some of the policies could save our state some SERIOUS money. I won't get started on that..
The kids seem to be adjusting well also. Little by little we see some awesome things. They are beginning to make this their home and even call it home. They are sleeping better, having no problems fighting with each other(hehe), and ask for their Mom to come home to their new house(instead of going back there). We still have an in home therapist 2 days a week, the boys see a therapist at school 3 days a week and I'm still trying to get the twins into a daycare/playgroup to interact with other little people. They are not sure how to play, what to play with and when we try to teach them-they are not sure what to think. It's something I think they will figure out. I'm in the process of potty-training the little girl. It's interesting, Daniel took 4 days. We told him big boys didn't potty in diapers and that was the end of it. She? is a bit different. We did go out and buy little girl panties(princess and my little pony ones were her fave) and even have a little chart to put stars on, hopefully this means we'll be done soon??any advice here??
Girls are soooooooo different than little boys. yikes.

Things on the grown up front are going ok. I'm on a little leave of absence from school. Needed a few weeks to get everyone into a groove and I was seriously drowning while trying to get everyone under control and still juggling school. Now that everyone seems to be doing better, I'm going to start up next week. I'm ready. Ready to have it finished.

Our Thanksgiving was wonderful. We have so much to be thankful for and remember to thank God each day for all of the blessings he has poured out to our family.

This is the week I always get the Christmas boxes out. Lights and stockings and wreaths and... It's going to be crazy. I'm sure it will get interesting having 5 kids help decorate the house and the tree-wish me luck!!!!

ave a blessed week!!


Carin said...

I tried to leave a comment last night, but once again I was having trouble w/my blog... this time it was the login... what is my deal???

Glad to hear you are adjusting & that you still have your sanity or as much as you ever have!!! *Ü*

Miss you & need to have some Heather time... when Heather has the time!!! love ya!

Lori said...

Hope all is going well and you've had some resolve to your craziness!!!

Have a great weekend!

And because I know you have soooo much time on your hands, you've been tagged on my blog!!
